Writing modem drivers for Pancake or Modem Server.
Just add a STR# resource to the application with id 1000+number of driver (make sure there are no gaps in the sequence from 1000 to your id).
Name the resource the class of modem your driver is meant for.
Put the following information in the STR# resource.
1. InitStr
The initalization string sent to the modem
2. ChangeSpeed
YES or NO, if the speed the modem talks to the computer is locked put NO, else put YES.
Not currently implemeted in Pancake or Modem Server.
3. HWOn
Concatenated to the end of the init string if HW Handshaking is On.
Not currently implemeted in Pancake or Modem Server.
4. HWOff
Concatenated to the end of the init string if HW Handshaking is Off.
Not currently implemeted in Pancake or Modem Server.
5. DtrOn
Concatenated to the end of the init string if DTR Hangup is On.
Not currently implemeted in Pancake or Modem Server.
6. DtrOff
Concatenated to the end of the init string if DTR Hangup is Off.
Not currently implemeted in Pancake or Modem Server.
7. Answer
String sent to modem to answer the phone call
8. HangupStr
String sent to modem to hangup the phone call
9. Quit
String sent to modem when application is quit.
Try to put the right information in the fields not yet implemented, because they will most likely be implemented in the future, and your driver then won't work.
Send any drivers you write to ferrari@netaxs.com, and i'll add them to future releases of both Pancake and Modem Server.